Weight Control |
The Real Secrets To Long-Term Weight Control
Executive Summary about Weight Control by Joanne Jackson
North Americans are preoccupied with their weight. The problem is, many people who diet think weight-control methods are only successful if they lead to a rapid loss of weight. Too many weight loss methods fail because they become unpleasant. Often people find themselves gaining back all the weight they lost and more! There is also a widespread belief that individuals can achieve any body weight, shape, or size they desire if they just diet and exercise enough. In order to be successful, enjoyable eating and exercise habits are needed to keep excess weight off and quick weight-loss methods don't change habits. Weight loss is only successful if it is safe, healthy, and prevents weight regain. A successful approach to weight-control focuses on healthy eating and exercise for a lifetime, rather than on and off dieting.
Although the program does not lead to weight loss in the short term, the program reduces a number of health problems related to obesity and can help children, men, and women achieve healthy eating patterns, a better quality of life, and improve long-term health.
Focusing on being healthy instead of weight-loss. AIM carries a number of weight management products that are convenient and cost-effective. Products such as BarleyLife, Herbal FiberBlend, FibreBalance, GlucoChrom, ProPeas, CellStar Juices, and fit 'n fiber can provide a healthy way to help with weight-control.
Eat Healthy Foods for Healthy Weight Control
Executive Summary about Weight Control by Robin Reichert
Part of a healthy lifestyle is eating healthy foods. Eat healthy foods to achieve your optimum weight and keep your weight under control. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products when shopping for food. Eat less red meat. Avoid canned or processed fruits.
Fresh vegetables are better than canned vegetables. Most canned vegetables contain extra sodium and preservatives. Avoid fried foods. Frying vegetables in saturated oil will add extra fats to your diet and breaks down nutrients in the vegetables. Baked breaded chicken or grilled chicken is a healthy alternative to fried chicken.
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